Monday, February 24, 2014

Wedensday, February 19

Discussed in class on Feb. 19 was big business during the 1920s.  This was the time of big spending.  When America discovered that purchases could be bought on credit and no longer did many scrimp and save to buy these big expenditures.  A mentalite developed in the American mind to have the best and to have the most, but many were not confident in themselves or their purchases.  Giant catalogs were delivered to homes hoping to entice the average consumer, the housewife, with its wares.  Many of these advertisements highlighted on the lack of confidence.  As seen below for this 1920's advertisement for weight gain or loss.  Was this lack of confidence showcased in public or was it a private affair?

1 comment:

  1. You are missing some later entries. The need to disguise fat seems to be nothing new.
